
东软睿驰与采埃孚建立战略合作关系 致力于软件开发与合作 持续提高本土软件开发能力

On April 19, Neusoft Reach and ZF established strategic cooperative relationship commit to the comprehensive development and application of software, and jointly create software solutions suitable for the Chinese version of ZF automotive high-performance platform "CaiRui Star". The two sides will fully integrate their respective resources and advantages in the fields of automotive autonomous driving and driver assistance systems, automotive basic software, and establish a good strategic cooperative relationship to achieve win-win cooperation. Neusoft Reach and ZF cooperated to jointly create software solutions suitable for the Chinese version of "CaiRu star", and carried out in-depth cooperation in projects such as domain controllers and high computing platforms to jointly achieve comprehensive software development. The software supports multiple platforms at the same time, and has high scalability, and through standardized interfaces, greatly accelerate the development efficiency of software functions and fast iterative verification, so as to ensure the rapid delivery of stable and high-quality products to customers. Based on technologies and services such as the basic software platform, application development framework and tool chain, Neusoft Reach helps ZF's products and software solutions to be safer and easier to use.

图/双方战略签约仪式现场(从左至右:采埃孚中国区工程技术中心总监罗杰夫,东软睿驰总经理曹斌,采埃孚企业研发高级副总裁Dirk Walliser博士,东软睿驰董事长王勇峰,采埃孚集团董事斯蒂芬·冯·舒克曼 ,采埃孚集团执行副总裁、中国区总裁、亚太区运营总裁汪润怡 ,采埃孚中国区电子与驾驶辅助系统工程副总裁邢勋,东软睿驰NeuSAR业务线总监茅海燕)




采埃孚集团董事斯蒂芬·冯·舒克曼(Stephan von Schuckmann)表示:“中国汽车科技发展日新月异,采埃孚与主机厂和科技伙伴开展广泛合作,在开放的生态系统中发挥越来越重要的作用,采埃孚将紧紧围绕汽车产业的电动化、智能化、软件化转型,促进中国汽车产业的发展。” 
